Welcome to the STOH Parent Information Network (SPIN)! We hope this page will guide you in any questions you may have about iPads, Google Classroom, RDS Parent Access, resources, or programs we have in the district.

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Contact Information

Expand to see who to contact from your specific school.


Click on any of the following links to find additional resources.


STOH Mobile App

Did you know that STOH has a mobile app? It is a fantastic way to stay up to date with everything in one place, whether it be calendars, staff lists, news articles, and more.

To download the app, please use the links at the bottom of our webpage or by clicking below:

Apple: https://apple.co/3czUVrv

Android (Google Play Store): https://bit.ly/37eam7I

Finally, you can find demos on the best ways to use our app in both English and Spanish via the following links:

English App Tutorial

Spanish App Tutorial