STOH Nurse Coordinator
(219) 922-5610 ext. 1021 or
STOH Nurse Coordinator
(219) 922-5610 ext. 1021 or
Highland Middle School
(219) 922-5620 ext. 1203
Highland Middle School
(219) 922-5620 ext 1203
Johnston Elementary School
(219) 923-2428 ext. 1304
Merkley Elementary School
(219) 922-5640 ext. 1404
Southridge Elementary School
(219) 922-5650 ext. 1504
Warren Elementary School
(219) 922-5660 ext. 1604
Vision Screenings:
Measurement of Visual Acuity only (Distance and Near) are completed annually for all students in 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade or any student with a suspected visual defect can be performed by the school nurse and/or health assistant. If a student does not pass the vision screening, parents/guardians will be notified by a referral letter. Further medical evaluation will be recommended.
Hearing Screenings:
Hearing screenings are completed annually for all students in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th grades; a student who has transferred into the school corporation; and a student who is suspected of having hearing defects.
Based on State of Indiana referral recommendations, parents/guardians will be notified by a referral letter if a concern is identified during the screening process. Further medical evaluation will be recommended.
Indiana State Required School Immunizations:
2024-2025 Indiana Immunization Requirements (English)
2024-2025 Indiana Immunization Requirements (Spanish)
Indiana law requires that all students meet the minimum immunization requirements in order to attend school. When a student enrolls in the School Town of Highland the parent or guardian must provide record of the students immunizations or have a current religious or medical exemption on file with the school. The parents have a 20 day grace period to met the immunization requirements. If the school does not receive immunization records or if the student has not met state immunization requirements after the 20 day grace period, the student will be excluded from school until requirements are met.
The Lake County Health Department offers an Immunization Clinic Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Hours are subject to change. Please call 219-755-3658 to schedule an appointment.
Immunization Exemptions:
The Indiana State Department of Health does allow for two types of immunization exemptions. Please see the information below.
Medical Exemptions:
A physician’s certification that a particular immunization is, or may be detrimental to the child’s health is required.
This must be in writing
from the physician (M.D., D.O. or Nurse Practitioners), signed by the parents and renewed on a yearly basis.
Religious Exemptions:
A written statement that the objection to immunizations is based on religious grounds is required. This must be signed by the parents and
renewed on a yearly basis.
All required documents can be picked up from the Nurse's office at your child's school or can be found below in the section titled Health Services forms.
Medication Requirements:
All prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications must be FDA-approved and will be kept in the school health office. Your child may not carry any medication at school. All over-the-counter (OTC) medications must be in the original container. Any prescription medications must be in the original container labeled correctly with the most current date, student’s name, dosage, frequency and match the current doctor’s orders on file with the health office. At no time will medications be transported by a student. Any change in prescription medication, dosage or time to be given must be in written form from the parent with an accompanying doctor’s order.
Written permission with instructions from the parent/guardian are required for all prescription and OTC medications.
All required documents can be picked up from the Nurse's office at your child's school or can be found below in the section titled Health Services forms.
Emergency Medications:
Your child may not carry any medication at school, with the exception of inhalers, diabetic supplies and epinephrine (Epipen). These emergency medications may be carried only with written permission from your child's physician and from the parent/guardian.
Students in Pre-K through 4th grade will keep emergency medications in the nurse’s office unless we have a physician’s note indicating the medication should be carried by the student.
All required documents can be picked up from the Nurse's office at your child's school or can be found below in the section titled Health Services forms.
School Physicals:
School Physicals are required for students entering Kindergarten. The school physical must be turned in prior to the 1st day of school. The school physical must be dated after April 1st of the prior year to be considered compliant.
Athletic Physicals:
Athletic physicals are created by the IHSAA and are separate forms from the school physical.
You can get them from the Athletic Office or from the School Town of Highland website. Forms are also available below.
Athletic physicals must be completed after April 1st to be valid for the school year.
Medication Forms:
Religious Exemption Forms:
Physical Forms:
IHSAA Sports Physical Form - IHSAA physicals for the 2023/2024 school year must be dated on or after April 1, 2023.
Immunization Forms:
Additional Medical Forms & Plans:
Diabetes Plan of Care- All Diabetic students are required to have a Diabetic Medical Management Plan completed by their doctor. It is also the responsibility of the parent to supply all necessary testing supplies, ketone strips, and snacks.
Students that are registering for Kindergarten are required to have a school physical completed, a dental examination, and are required to turn in all required immunizations.
Indiana Immunization Requirements 2024-2025
If your child requires medications at school or has a medical diagnosis such as asthma, allergies, seizures, or diabetes, please see the necessary forms above.