Welcome to the Highland Middle School Media Center. The Media Center is a place for information access, the encouragement of reading, and the use of technology. The Media Center provides a wide variety of resources which include reference materials (in both text and online formats), hardcover and paperback fiction, a wide selection of nonfiction books and biographies.
When can I come to the library?
Before school
After school
At lunch
Between classes
During the day with a pass from your teacher
How can I find out if the library has a book that I am looking for?
The online catalog or library browser is located on the computers in the media center. It can also be accessed online from any computer with Internet access by going to HMS Online Database
How many books may I check out?
6th graders may check out up to 2 books on their account.
7th and 8th graders may check out up to 5 books.
How long can a book be checked out?
Books and Ebooks may be checked out for two weeks. Reference books and print magazines cannot be checked out.
What happens if I turn a book in late?
Fines for overdue books are 5ยข per school day for each item checked out. Please return borrowed books on time.
What happens if I damage a book?
It is your responsibility to return all materials that you check out in good condition and on time. Students that return materials in a damaged condition will be assessed a damage fee. Current replacement costs are charged for badly damaged materials.
What happens if I lose a book?
If you lose a book, you must pay for a new book. The minimum replacement cost for a book is $5.00 and can be much higher, depending on the cost of the book. If you find a lost book after you have paid for it, bring the book to the library and you will be issued a refund.
Can I still check out a book if I owe a fine?
No. Students with fines or overdue items are NOT allowed to check out any additional items until the items are returned and all fines are paid.
What is the consequence for not returning books or paying fines?
Students will be reminded weekly if they have any overdue books or fines. At the beginning of each month, letters will go home if the student has an overdue book and/or fine. This must be taken care of by the 15th of each month. Any outstanding balance or missing items will result in lunch detentions in the library every day until it is resolved.
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